FEBRUARY 5, 2009, 7 - 9 PM
First Universalist Society of Franklin (FUSF), 262 Chestnut Street, Franklin, MA 02038
The FUSF Green Committee and Franklin Area Climate Team invite you to join us for the National Teach-In.
We will watch the webcast, "First 100 Days," joining David Orr, Hunter Lovins, Betsy Taylor, Ray Anderson, Dianne Dillon-Ridgely, Jessy Tolkan, Billy Parish and Wahleah Johns as they discuss global warming solutions for the first 100 days of the new Presidential admistration. We too will engage in a solutions-driven dialogue. In addition, we'll meet with local vendors and service providers who are committed to a cool future, listen to live music, and learn about the Low Carbon Diet Program and other ways we can reduce our carbon footprint!
First Universalist Society of Franklin (FUSF), 262 Chestnut Street, Franklin, MA 02038
The FUSF Green Committee and Franklin Area Climate Team invite you to join us for the National Teach-In.
We will watch the webcast, "First 100 Days," joining David Orr, Hunter Lovins, Betsy Taylor, Ray Anderson, Dianne Dillon-Ridgely, Jessy Tolkan, Billy Parish and Wahleah Johns as they discuss global warming solutions for the first 100 days of the new Presidential admistration. We too will engage in a solutions-driven dialogue. In addition, we'll meet with local vendors and service providers who are committed to a cool future, listen to live music, and learn about the Low Carbon Diet Program and other ways we can reduce our carbon footprint!
For more information, email: FranklinAreaClimateTeam-owner@yahoo.groups.com
You can also read more about it at: http://www.milforddailynews.com/news/x815896053/Franklin-to-hold-energy-fair-global-warming-cafe?view=print